Thursday 24 February 2011


As part of my project will be involving performance pieces I have began researching through books, magazines and the internet which hopefully will help me to understand qualities of creating performance art.

'The Performance Studies Reader' Edited by Henry Bial. Published 2004 by Routledge. Taylor and Francis Group. London and New York. Part V, Performativity- 'In order for Austin's performative to be effective, it must have certain performance-like qualities: namely, there must be an audience (listener), and the speech act must conform to a pre-established pattern.'
Part V1, Performing- 'For every kind of performance there is a different kind (and often many kinds of performing.' Performing happens in everyday life, in the home, in the workplace, in sports and games, in the arts, and in scared and secular ritual. Any time you take on a role, tell a story, or simply enact a bit of restored behaviour, you are performing.'
'If we recognise that virtually all human behaviour involves performing, then we can think of the theater as a kind of laboratory where actors and directors stage experiments to help us better understand ourselves. '

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